
Gintaras Dikčius, Justinas Galinis, Violeta Karenauskaitė, Laboratory Works in Physics. Manual of methodics. Vilniaus universitetas, 2013, ISBN 978-609-459-100-6



4.6 Measurement of Hearing Sensitivity  4.6_en.pdf
4.16 Measurement of Ultrasound Velocity in Gases and Liquids  4.16b_en.pdf
4.17 Researching Models with an Ultrasonic Echoscope  4.17_en.pdf
5.2 Measurement of Blood Pressure  5.2_en.pdf
5.4 Measurement of Air Humidity by Assmann Psychrometer  5.4_en.pdf
5.8 Measurement of the Modulus of Elasticity  5.8_en.pdf
5.10 Research on Human Respiratory Parameters  5.10_en.pdf
6.5 Research on the Conductivity of Various Water Samples  6.5_en.pdf
6.10 Electrocardiography: Recording and Analysis  6.10_en.pdf
6.11 Testing a Pacemaker  6.11_en.pdf
6.16 Electromyography (EMG): Recording and Analysis  6.16_en.pdf
6.17 Research on Membrane Resting Potential  6.17_en.pdf
7.2 Vision, Lenses and Eye Properties  7.2_en.pdf
7.3 Measurements with Microscope  7.3_en.pdf
7.4 Measurement of the Refractive Index by Abbe Refractometer  7.4_en.pdf
7.5 Analysis of Optical Activity  7.5_en.pdf
7.8 Light Absorption in Solutions  7.8_en.pdf
7.9 Some Features of Gaseous He-Ne Laser Radiation  7.9_en.pdf


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