

62b370f60a15d T Ceponis



Dr. Tomas Čeponis

Phone: +370 522 34 486


Institute / Center

Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology (IPN)

Research Area

Technological Sciences

Present position

Senior Researcher, Assoc. Professor

Scientific Interests, Keywords

Carrier transport, capture, recombination/ generation in crystal and amorphous materials, evolution of radiation defects in semiconductors, materials engineering, development of contact and contactless characterization techniques. Characterization of radiation sensors, development of dosimetry systems for high energy physics experiments and for medical applications.

Links to External Profile

Most important publications
  1. E. Gaubas, T. Ceponis, L. Deveikis, D. Meskauskaite, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, J. Vaitkus, M. Moll, F. Ravotti, Anneal induced transformations of defects in hadron irradiated Si wafers and Schottky diodes, Mat. Sc. Sem. Proc. 75 (2018) 157–165.
  2. E. Gaubas, T. Ceponis, J. Mickevicius, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, M. Velicka, E. Simoen, and M. Zhao, Pulsed photo-ionization spectroscopy in carbon doped MOCVD GaN epi-layers on Si, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 33 (2018) 075015.
  3. E. Gaubas, P. Baronas, T. Čeponis, L. Deveikis, D. Dobrovolskas, E. Kuokstis, J. Mickevičius, V. Rumbauskas, M. Bockowski, M. Iwinska, T. Sochacki, Study of spectral and recombination characteristics of HVPE GaN grown on ammono substrates, Mat. Sc. Semicond. Process. 91 (2019) 341–355.
  4. E. Gaubas, T. Čeponis, D. Meškauskaite, J. Mickevičius, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, R. Grigonis, M. Zajac, R. Kucharski, Pulsed photo-ionization spectroscopy of traps in as-grown and neutron irradiated ammonothermally synthesized GaN, Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 1473.
  5. E. Gaubas, T. Čeponis, L. Deveikis, D. Dobrovolskas, V. Rumbauskas, M. Viliunas, Room-temperature infrared photoluminescence in GaN doped with various impurities, Optical Materials 94 (2019) 266–271.
  6. T. Ceponis, K. Badokas, L. Deveikis, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, V. Kovalevskij, S. Stanionyte, G. Tamulaitis, E. Gaubas, Evolution of scintillation and electrical characteristics of AlGaN double-response sensors during proton irradiation, Sensors 19 (2019) 3388.
  7. E. Gaubas, T. Ceponis, L. Deveikis, V. Kalesinskas, G. Kreiza, T. Malinauskas, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, A. Mychko, V. Ivanov, Study of the electrical characteristics of CdZnTe Schottky diodes, Mat. Sc. Semicond. Process. 105 (2020) 104705.
  8. T. Ceponis, L. Deveikis, S. Lastovskii, L. Makarenko, J. Pavlov, K. Pukas, V. Rumbauskas, E. Gaubas, Transient electrical and optical characteristics of electron and proton irradiated SiGe detectors, Sensors 20 (2020) 6884.
  9. T. Ceponis, S. Lastovskii, L. Makarenko, J. Pavlov, K. Pukas, E. Gaubas, Study of radiation-induced defects in p-type Si1-xGex diodes before and after annealing, Materials 13 (2020) 5684.
  10. J. Pavlov, T. Ceponis, K. Pukas, L. Makarenko, E. Gaubas, 5.5 MeV electron irradiation-induced transformation of minority carrier traps in p-type Si and Si1-xGex alloys, Materials 15 (2022) 1861.
Project and/or Grant leadership
  1. Research Council of Lithuania project Lithuania-Belarus S-LB-19-1 “New silicon-germanium alloys for the development of radiation-resistant semiconductor devices”, 15000 EUR/2019-2020 m.
Teaching Courses
  • Basic Electronics
  • Applied Electronics
  • Materials Characterization Techniques
  • Radiation detectors for CERN experiments
  • Introduction to Semiconductor Physics
Supervision of Students' Thesis

Supervision to Bachelor and Master student thesis.

Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.

Board member at CERN RD50 collaboration.


2014 yr. (for 2013 yr.) – the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences prize at Competition of the research work of a young scientist. 2014 yr. – Rector prize for a young scientist. 2015 yr. – the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences scholarship for young scientist. 2022 yr. (2021 yr. competition) – the National Science Prize of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.



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