
paslaugos paveiksliukas

There are two open access research infrastructures (OAIs) hosted in the institute – “SPECTROVERSUM” and “HPC Saulėtekis”.

“SPECTROVERSUM” provides various spectroscopy research services in the wide spectral range – spectra are collected, preprocessing and comprehensive analysis are done. “SPECTROVERSUM” has close connections with large providers of international spectroscopic service in Europe thus it can do research (or mediate) using unique spectroscopy equipment not available in Lithuania. This involves doing research with synchrotron radiation (international OAI MAXIV) and with free electron lasers (international consortiums “FELs of Europe” and “CALIPSOplus”).

“HPC Saulėtekis” provides computing resources required for the parallel computations. The customer can be both from a commercial and academic institution.
The procedures for ordering services are described on the websites of these centers.


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