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Dear visitor,

The Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology is one of the leading research centers in Lithuania. Our work is built upon the well established school of experimental research in the fields of semiconductors, material science and optoelectronics. 

  • Our vision – a recognized institute of applied and fundamental research, and a top-notch educational department of the university.

  • Our mission – creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge and innovations answering the needs of society; education of able scientific specialists and leaders by employing the research potential, specific know-how, and the finest scientific infrastructure. 

  • Our values – innovativeness, teamwork, mutual trust, openness, freedom of research ideas, pluralism of thought, academical ethos.

Today we can be proud of IPN for the high-quality interdisciplinary and applied studies, successful internationall collaboration efforts, and an excellent educational environment for the specialists of the future.


Head of Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology

Prof. Ramūnas Aleksiejūnas


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